Grants and funding
Find out about grants, support and funding opportunities.
- View Funding sources including Open4Funding - Funding Sources Finder
- Summer programme funding
Champions for change
Champions for Change South Ayrshire Champions Board have launched our Stay Connected Fund. This fund is designed to support young people with care experience, aged between 14-26, with the impact of Covid-19 and the social changes that come with it. Young people can apply for up to £250 which will help them to:
- Cope with social distancing or isolation
- Improve or maintain their physical wellbeing
- Improve or maintain their mental wellbeing
- Help stay positive with creative outputs or activities
Due to the incredible response the closing date of the Stay Connected Fund is now Wednesday 20th May, 5pm deadline.
Download the application form (Word doc) [392KB] . Applications will be screened weekly.
We have specifically ring-fenced some of this funding to invite young people to apply for £240.00 which will cover one year's worth of mobile phone data. We think this is a great deal and would encourage young people to take up this offer to help them stay connected.
If you or a young person have any questions about the Stay Connected Fund, please contact:
Tel: 01655 884882
Participatory Budgeting
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a source of funding for community groups in South Ayrshire. Local groups put forward ideas for projects, and local people vote to decide which projects receive funding. So it is more than asking people what they think- it's local people making the final decisions.
To find out:
- when your next PB Funding event will be held
- how your community group can get a chance to apply for funding that will help make a difference in your area
- and also get the chance to decide on which other community projects should be funded across your locality area
Please contact:
School grants and funding
- School grants and funding including clothing grant, school meals and school transport
Coastal Communities
South Ayrshire's Coastal Community Fund has been established to invest funds from the region's allocation of net revenue from Scottish Crown Estate marine assets out to 12 nautical miles across South Ayrshire. Please note that previous recipients who did not spend their allocation from the previous round of funding are not eligible to apply for this round. Applications open on Monday 17th January 2022 and close on Sunday 6th February 2022 at 12 midnight
Business and housing
Destination South Ayrshire Grant - Community based Coronation Events
Destination South Ayrshire have a limited fund available for DSA grants to be awarded to community groups looking to carry out Coronation Events in May 2023. The DSA Grant is now open for applications and we would ask you to review the guidance notes and make an application.