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Town twinning

Town Twinning arrangements in South Ayrshire are led by voluntary Town Twinning Associations.

These are independent, constituted organisations comprising of individual members living in local communities. Each Association maintains and develops cultural, sporting, social, economic, educational, tourist and other links between twinned towns through programmes of exchange visits, evening meetings and special events. The associations host, in turn, an inter-Association annual quiz night in early November.

There are five associations in South Ayrshire based in the major towns with town twinning links.

Ayr town twinning association

Twin Town: St Germain en laye (France) | Association des Amis du jumelage St Germain en Laye / Ayr


We're always happy to have new members of all ages!

Cost: Individual: £10; Family: £18

Girvan and district town twinning association

Twin Town: Torcy (France)

Alex Wilson,

Schedule of meetings

Date: Variable in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct
Time: 7.30pm
Meetings: McKechnie Institute
Cost: £10 per family, £5 per individual, £3 Individual


  • Annual Visit to Torcy in September
  • Annual Visit from Torcy in May/June

Maybole town twinning association

Twin Town: Crosne (France), Beloeil (Belgium), Schotten (Germany)

Maureen Craig

Schedule of meetings

Date: 3rd Tuesday of the month, except July and December
Time: 7.30pm
Meetings: Maybole Town Hall

Prestwick town twinning association

Twin Town: Lichtenfels (Germany), Vandalia (USA), Ariccia (Italy)

John Park

Schedule of meetings

Date: 2nd Wednesday of the Month, Oct - May
Time: 7.30
Meetings: Prestwick Community Centre
Cost: Family £15, Individual £10


  • Visits to and from Twin Town
  • Talks and Meetings

Troon town twinning association

Twin Town: Villeneuve-sur-Lot (France)

Email: President - TBC / Secretary - Ewen Walker

Sister City

South Ayrshire Council has a Sister City link with Newnan, Georgia (USA)

Town twinning contact

For information and how to get in touch with Town Twinning Associations contact:

Arlene Steven
Co-ordinator - Democratic Support
South Ayrshire Council
Wellington Square

Tel: +44 (0)1292 616685


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