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South Ayrshire Council - 10th October 2024

South Ayrshire Council - 10th October 2024

Notice of meeting

South Ayrshire Council Agenda - 10th October 2024 (PDF) [71KB]


1.       Provost.

2.       Sederunt and Declarations of Interest.

3.       Minutes of meetings of the Council and Panels.


                   Submit for approval as a correct record and authorise to be signed:-

                   (i)      3a Minutes of previous meetings - 21st June 2024 (PDF) [142KB] 21 June 2024; and

                   (ii)      Agenda Item No3a(ii) Minute of the previous meeting of 19 August 2024 (Special) (PDF) [150KB] 19 August 2024 (Special).

          (b)     Minutes of Panels.

                   The minutes (copies previously issued) of the undernoted meetings are for noting:-

                   (i)      Appeals Panel of 9 May 2024, and 10 May 2024

                   (ii)      Audit and Governance Panel of 29 May 2024, 26 June 2024 and 4 September 2024.

                   (iii)     Cabinet of 21 May 2024, 18 June 2024 and 27 August 2024.

                   (iv)     Local Review Body of 30 April 2024 and 25 June 2024.

                   (v)     Regulatory Panel - Licensing of 2 May 2024 (Special), 15 May 2024 (Special), 23 May 2024, 12 June 2024 (Special), 20 June 2024, 29 August 2024 and 5 September 2024 (Special).

                   (vi)     Regulatory Panel - Planning of 3 June 2024 (Site Visit) and 6 June 2024

                   (vii)    Service and Partnerships Performance Panel of 11 June 2024 and 20 August 2024.


4.       Agenda Item No.4 Appointments to Panel (PDF) [82KB] Appointments to Panel - Submit report by Chief Governance Officer (copy herewith).


5.       Agenda Item No.5 - Live Webcasting of Meetings (PDF) [98KB] Live Webcasting of Meetings - Submit report by Chief Governance Officer (copy herewith).


6.       Agenda Item No.6 - Standing Orders Relating to Contracts (PDF) [701KB] Standing Orders Relating to Contracts - Submit report by Chief Financial Officer (copy herewith).


7.       Agenda Item No.7 - Treasury Management Annual Report 2023/24 (PDF) [351KB] Treasury Management Annual Report 2023/24 - Submit report by Chief Financial Officer (copy herewith).


8.       Agenda Item No.8 - Local Development Plan 3 Governance Arrangements and Planning Liaison Group (PDF) [161KB] Local Development Plan 3 Governance Arrangements and Planning Liaison Group - Submit report by Director of Housing, Operations and Development (copy herewith).


9.       Agenda Item No.9 Proposed Ward Capital Projects (PDF) [2MB] Proposed Ward Capital Projects - Update 2023 to 2025 and Approval of New Capital Projects 2024 to 2026 - Submit report by Director of Housing, Operations and Development (copy herewith).


10.     Notice of Motion

          (a)     Moved by Councillor Julie Dettbarn, seconded by Councillor Laura Brennan-Whitefield:

            "Council notes that:

  • In the 1995 Pensions Act, the Government increased State Pension age for women from 60 to 65, with a further increase to 66 in the 2011 Pensions Act. 
  • This change was not properly communicated to 3.8m women born in the 1950s until 2012, giving some only one year's notice of a six year increase in their anticipated retirement age.  Approximately 6,000 of the affected women are in the Central Ayrshire constituency alone which includes Troon, Prestwick and Kyle. We can deduce that there will be at least similar numbers in the Ayr, Carrick & Cumnock constituency which covers the remainder of South Ayrshire.
  • The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) has found that the Department for Work and Pensions was guilty of maladministration in its handling of the State Pension Age increase for women born in the 1950s. 
  • The All Party Parliamentary Group on State Pension Inequality for Women has concluded that "the impact of DWP maladministration on 1950s-born women has been as devastating as it is widespread.  The APPG believes that the case for Level 6 compensation is overwhelming and clear given the scale of the injustice".
  • Research commissioned by campaign group WASPI has found that by the end of 2022, more than 220,000 1950s born women will have died waiting for justice since the WASPI campaign began in 2015.
  • The PHSO has recommended a Level 4 pay-out, which falls between £1,000 and £2,950 to symbolise the "significant" and "lasting impact" experienced by many women. However, given that the average individual loss is IRO £50,000 this level of compensation is inadequate. This motion supports the position of the All Party Parliamentary Group in calling for Level 6 compensation which would result in a pay-out of between £10,000 - £20,000.

Council believes this injustice has had a profound effect on the individuals involved, on the wider community in South Ayrshire, and on local government, not least because:

  • Our local economy is negatively affected by the reduced spending power and disposable income the uncommunicated State Pension Age changes has brought about among women born in the 1950s.
  • There is a broader impact on voluntary services of all kinds locally, which are missing out on able, active volunteers who would otherwise have been able to retire from full-time work as planned.
  • Women who would have retired and engaged in caring responsibilities for grandchildren, other family members etc are having to continue working - with a knock-on effect for Council services.
  • Women who have been left in poverty are struggling to meet their housing costs.

Council supports: 

  • The conclusion of the All Party Parliamentary Group on State Pension Inequality that women born in the 1950s have suffered a gross injustice, affecting their emotional, physical and mental circumstances in addition to causing financial hardship.
  • A swift resolution to this ongoing injustice before more women die waiting for compensation.
  • An immediate Level 6 compensation payment to those affected, with the most going to women who were given the shortest notice of the longest increase in their state pension age. 

Council requests:

  • The Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Prime Minister to outline the effects of the injustice to 1950s women and on the community of South Ayrshire and to request their support for an immediate Level 6 compensation package and that this be addressed in the new Government's first Budget on 30th October."


11.     Formal Questions.

      Formal Question and Response (PDF) [37KB]      

Meeting papers

South Ayrshire Council Combined File - 10th October 2024 (PDF) [3MB]

Meeting recording

The recording of this meeting can be viewed on our Webcasting channel.

Minute - To Follow.





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