Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee - 11 March 2022
Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee - 11 March 2022
- Chair - Councillor Ian Cochrane
- Councillor Alec Clark
- Councillor Bob Pollock
- Councillor Philip Saxton
- Councillor Douglas Reid (EAC)
- Councillor Jim Roberts (EAC)
- Councillor John McGhee (EAC)
- Councillor Tom Cook (EAC)
Notice of meeting
Agenda for Ayrshire Shared Services Joint Committee - 11 March 2022 (PDF) [78KB]
1. Welcome/Sederunt/Declarations of Interest
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting of 5 November 2021 Previous Minutes of 5 November 2021 (PDF) [114KB] (copy herewith)
3. Ayrshire Roads Alliance - Revenue Financial Monitoring Report - Submit report by Chief Financial Officer & Head of Finance & ICT ARA - Revenue Financial Monitoring Report (PDF) [235KB] (copy herewith)
4. Roadworks Programme 2021/22 - Submit report by the Head of Ayrshire Roads Alliance Roadworks Programme 2021/2022 (PDF) [796KB] (copy herewith)
5. Ayrshire Roads Alliance Risk Register - Submit report by the Interim Head of Roads - Ayrshire Roads Alliance ARA Risk Register (PDF) [379KB] (copy herewith)
6. Ayrshire Roads Alliance - Update on Performance Scorecard - Submit report by the Head of Roads - Ayrshire Roads Alliance ARA - Update on Performance Scorecard (PDF) [222KB] (copy herewith)
7. Ayrshire Roads Alliance - Service Plan Improvement Actions - Submit report by the Head of Roads - Ayrshire Roads Alliance ARA - Service Plan Improvement Actions (PDF) [174KB] (copy herewith)
Meeting papers
Combined File - Ayrshire Share Services Joint Committee - 11 March 2022 (PDF) [1MB]
Meeting recording
The recording of this meeting can be viewed on our Webcasting channel.
Minute of 11 March (PDF) [33KB]