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South Ayrshire Council - Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

What is an LHEES? 

An LHEES is a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy, which sets out the long-term plan for improving energy efficiency and decarbonising heat in buildings across the SAC area. This will mean ensuring all buildings, homes, businesses, and public sector, are well insulated and utilising a zero-carbon heating source. 

LHEES is a mandatory part of Scottish Government Heat in Buildings work and are driven by our statutory targets for net zero, and 2040 fuel poverty targets. This is a vital part of how we tackle the climate emergency locally and nationally. 

What will the LHEES do? 

This strategy will: 

  • Set out how different building types can change to meet national and local objectives, 

  • Identify strategic heat zones, and set out potential measures for reducing buildings emissions within each zone; and  

  • Prioritise areas for delivery, against national and local priorities. 

Accompanying the strategy is a delivery plan, a live guide to actions we are taking in the council and beyond. This will be developed in partnership with key stakeholders, providing a strong basis for action for local communities, government, investors, developers and wider stakeholders, pinpointing areas for focussed intervention and early, low-regrets measures. 

The LHEES will be reviewed and updated on a five-year basis, but the delivery plan will track year to year actions as they occur. 

What are the first steps for LHEES? 

The LHEES went through public consultation, review, redrafting, and is now pending Council approval.  

How can I get involved? 

Even though the public consultation has closed, your views and ideas matter and will help us inform the ongoing development of LHEES. 

This is not just a Council strategy on Council buildings, this is an area-wide approach to meeting our climate targets, both in South Ayrshire and Scotland as a whole. We want to continue to work with residents and businesses together on this massively challenging area. 

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