School Meal Debt Fund to benefit local families

School meal debt, accrued by parents and carers up until 31 December 2024, is to be written off to help families already experiencing financial pressures.
South Ayrshire Council will wipe out the debt totalling £39,385.55 as part of its commitment to tackling child poverty. The Scottish Government has provided funding to clear debt accumulated up to 31 March 2024, while South Ayrshire Council is funding the write-off for the period 1 April and 31 December 2024.
Along with Scotland's 31 other local authorities, we were eligible to apply for a share of a £1.5 million emergency fund, established by the Scottish Government to address debt accumulated up to 31 March 2024.
Councillor William Grant, Education Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: "As a council, we have a responsibility to support our families through these challenging times. Writing off school meal debt is not just a gesture—it's a tangible way to help ease the pressure for parents and carers struggling with money. No child should feel the impact of financial hardship when it comes to something as fundamental as food at school. This decision reflects our commitment to prioritising the wellbeing of our young people and their families across South Ayrshire."
Councillor Bob Pollock, Economic Development Portfolio Holder, said: "We recognise that many families are struggling through the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, so it is great news that this funding will directly benefit families by clearing their school meal debts.
He added: "School meals are essential for young people, and we must ensure they have access to them. I would encourage any parent or carer facing financial challenges to visit the Council's website for information about entitlement to free school meals and other available support."