Council one step closer to provision of Events Space WiFi Service

At Cabinet on Tuesday 21 January, Councillors were presented with the results of a public consultation relating to the provision of an Events Space Wifi Service.
The proposal is to create a public WiFi network, which will provide event space internet access on the Low Green and shorefront areas in Ayr to enhance digital connectivity and visitor experience during major events.
The consultation closed on 29 December with 15 representations, 40% of which were in support of the proposal. 33% were against the proposal and 27% were neutral.
Councillors voted for the Chief Governance Officer to proceed with submitting a petition to the Sheriff Court to authorise the proposal and, should authorisation be granted, for the proposal to be implemented.
The new service would enable two types of internet access: a private and restricted service for trader access, to guarantee bandwidth for sales related activities; and an event attendee service via general public access.
This would be achieved by a combination of hardware installations on existing street lighting, and four new galvanised columns along the path running through the centre of the Low Green.
South Ayrshire Council has secured grant funding to cover the installation costs through a pan-Ayrshire bid to the 5G Innovation Regions Programme, provided by the Department of Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT).
South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Tourism, Culture and Rural Affairs, Councillor Alec Clark, said: "We are committed to making South Ayrshire a destination of choice. This includes delivering and hosting a wide range of exciting events which attract large crowds.
"With popular events comes increased traffic on communications channels, and we are keen to make sure everyone stays connected. We're now one step closer to making the visitor experience even better by providing an improved connection at large scale events for traders and visitors."
You can view the results of the public consultation here.