Biosphere launches Small-Scale Tree Planting Programme

Following the successful implementation of a pilot project over the 2023-2024 planting season, the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere Partnership has announced the launch of the second round of funding for small-scale tree planting projects. Delivered in partnership with South Ayrshire Council, Scottish Forestry, the Woodland Trust and Land Energy, the scheme will provide grants worth up to £1,000 to individuals and organisations who want to plant trees on less than 0.25ha of land, with eligible projects including small copses, treelines, field boundary trees, parkland trees and orchards.
This second round of grant funding sees the programme expand its geographic coverage to include East Ayrshire as well as South Ayrshire, where the scheme was first piloted. The fund is open to planting projects located within the GSA Biosphere boundary and applications will be accepted until Monday 17th March 2025. Up to 100% of material costs such as plants, shelters, tree guards and fencing materials may be funded, with the possibility of funded labour costs as well for non-profit organisations.
For more than a decade the GSA Biosphere Partnership has been working with farmers, land managers and land-based businesses to widen understanding of regenerative practice and deliver initiatives that bring local people closer to nature. The organisation is a registered Scottish charity leading collaborative projects in conservation, education, enterprise and climate resilience across southwest Scotland's UNESCO-designated region, which covers 9,720km² of terrestrial and marine environments. Approximately 86% of South Ayrshire and over 50% of East Ayrshire lies within the Biosphere boundary, and both South and East Ayrshire Councils are among the Partnership's core funders.
The official launch of the programme took place at Little Peru near Maybole, a sustainable enterprise that has been awarded the Biosphere Certification Mark this year in recognition of its nature-positive operations. Commenting on the tree-planting initiative, Project lead Antoine Lemaire, the GSA Biosphere's Nature Recovery Officer, said, "All 748 UNESCO Biospheres around the world share a remit to promote conservation and nature restoration, and the Ayrshire Small-Scale Tree-Planting Programme is a fantastic opportunity to enhance our landscapes and support biodiversity. We are especially pleased to be working alongside multi-sector partners on a programme that has such great potential to bring long term benefits for our wildlife and habitats, and contribute to the wellbeing of Ayrshire's rural communities."
South Ayrshire Councillor Alec Clark, who sits on the Biosphere's board of trustees, said, "This is a fantastic programme that embodies the array of opportunities for improving our green space and developing long term collaborations between landowners, public bodies, and Ayrshire's dynamic third sector. It's also a great example of the value of our UNESCO Biosphere designation for generating local action on global issues, giving everyone a chance to play a part in resolving the climate and nature crises."
Hugh Montgomery, Managing Director at Land Energy, said, "We are delighted to join the Ayrshire Small Scale Tree Planting Programme as a funding partner. Natural capital investment and taking practical action towards Net Zero is at the forefront of Land Energy's vision both as a business and as a Biosphere Certification Mark awardee. Supporting this grant programme continues our commitment to creating positive impacts for people and nature in southwest Scotland."
Anyone interested in the tree planting programme can find more information and application forms at or by emailing