15-17 Sandgate, Ayr Common Good Consultation
South Ayrshire Council Public Consultation on proposed sale of the property at 15-17 Sandgate, Ayr, KA7 1BG
Notice of Consultation under Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
Reason for Site Notice Being Displayed:
South Ayrshire Council is proposing to sell the vacant property at 15-17 Sandgate in Ayr - shown outlined on the plan below - to an experienced developer to allow the property's redevelopment to form open plan office space with the top floor remaining as residential and being redeveloped for that use. The sale would generate a capital receipt for the Common Good Fund and remove the fund's liability for maintaining the property.
Notice is hereby given of a PUBLIC CONSULTATION.
In terms of Section 104 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015, local authorities are required to consult with the local community when planning to dispose of common good property or change its use.
The proposal is for the property at 15-17 Sandgate, Ayr, which is dilapidated and in need of significant investment, to be sold to an experienced developer. The property will be redeveloped to create new office accommodation on the ground and first floors and for residential use on the top floor.
The extent of the area that would be sold is shown outlined in the plan below.
Description of the Consultation Process
Anyone may make representations about this proposal to South Ayrshire Council. Representations must be in writing, by email, or by online response as detailed below and include the name and address of the person making it. All representations must be received by 17:00hrs on Monday 6th May 2024. All representations received will be published with the exception of those considered to be potentially offensive or libellous. The names of individuals and organisations making representations and their postcode will be published alongside the representation made. The Council will remove any telephone numbers, mobile numbers, personal email addresses, residential addresses and signatures from published information.
Or by email to estates@south-ayrshire.gov.uk or in writing to:
Asset Management and Community Asset Transfer
South Ayrshire Council
County Buildings
Wellington Square
By no later than 17:00hrs on Monday 6 th May 2024. Any correspondence should be clearly marked '15-17 Sandgate, Ayr Common Good Consultation'
South Ayrshire Council's Asset Management and Community Asset Transfer Privacy Notice can be viewed on the Council's website at: www.southayrshire.gov.uk/Asset-Management-and-Community-Asset-Transfer-privacy-notice