Local Housing Strategy
Consultation closed 20 July 2023
Good quality, affordable housing that meets our needs is fundamental to our health and wellbeing. South Ayrshire Council is committed to improving access to housing, supporting people to live well, enhancing the quality and energy efficiency of homes, creating well designed places, and reducing poverty and inequalities by firstly listening to and understanding the needs of our local communities.
South Ayrshire Council has recently drafted a Local Housing Strategy for the period 2023-2028. The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) is a key strategic document which sets out the outcomes and actions that the Council will aim to achieve over the next 5 years. It is based on evidence contained within our Housing Need and Demand Assessment, developed in collaboration with stakeholders including tenants and residents and links to our previous LHS.
We are keen to hear your views on our draft LHS and supporting documents:
- LHS 2023-2028 Public Consultation Response Analysis (PDF) [1MB]
- Draft Local Housing Strategy 2023-28 (PDF) [3MB]
Please email: LHS@South-Ayrshire.gov.uk or write to South Ayrshire Council, Housing Policy and Strategy, Riverside House, 21 River Terrace, Ayr, KA8 0AU with any comments.
The consultation will be available until 20th July 2023 when we will then seek approval from elected members prior to submission to the Scottish Government.