Regulatory Panel 2013
24th January - Planning
24th January - Licensing
24th January
21st February - Planning
21st February - Licensing
21st February
21st March - Planning
21st March - Licensing
21st March
2nd May - Planning
2nd May - Licensing
2nd May
30th May - Planning
30th May - Licensing
30th May
26th June - Planning
26th June - Licensing
26th June
15th July - Licensing (Special) - PRIVATE MEETING
28th August (Special) Now Commencing at 4.00pm
29th August - Planning
29th August - Licensing
29th August
11th September (Special) - Licensing
26th September - Planning
26th September - Licensing
26th September
7th November - Planning
(Please note; Planning application for the erection of a dwelling house and boundary wall at 51 Main Street, Ballantrae - Ref 13/00954/APP has been withdrawn)
7th November - Licensing
7th November
25th November (Special)
5th December - Planning
- Agenda and Reports
Application 13/01185/APP is no longer being considered at this meeting.
5th December - Licensing
5th December