South Ayrshire Council 2014
13th February
- Agenda and Reports
- Regulatory, Governance and Organisation - Staffing and Structural Arrangements
Report Now Public - Structure Alterations within Property Maintenance
Report Now Public - Minutes
6th March
- Agenda and Reports
- Structure Alterations -Community, Enterprise and Development
Report Now Public - Minutes
22nd April (Special)
15th May
- Agenda and Reports
- To Follow
- Organisational Structure Revisions
Report Now Public - Minutes
23rd June (Special)
3rd July
- Agenda and Reports
Item No. 17 on the agenda was Withdrawn at the Meeting - Omitted report
- Consolidating Golf South Ayrshire
Redacted Report now Public - with Appendices 1 and 3 - Minutes
19th August (Special)
- Agenda and Reports
- Staffing and Structural Alterations within Property and Risk
Report now public. - Minutes
2nd October (Special)
29th October
18th December