Council Allocates Funding from Place Based Investment Programme

South Ayrshire Council this week agreed the allocation of funding from the Scottish Government's Place Based Investment Programme (PBIP).
A total of £616,000 was allocated to a range of community projects at Cabinet on Tuesday 27 September, following consultation and engagement with residents through Place Planning events.
The funding will be used for projects including the creation of accessible community garden areas; investment in festive lighting; and enhancements to a range of sport and leisure facilities.
Councillor Bob Pollock, South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Economic Development said: "The projects that were approved as part of the Place Based Investment Programme funding clearly demonstrated that they would support the revitalisation of the area. They will deliver on community led regeneration that is shaped by the needs and aspirations of our local communities to tackle inequality and disadvantage.
"The decision shows our continued commitment to investing in our communities and putting them at the heart of what we do. It will also help us to make sure South Ayrshire is one of the best places to live, work or visit. I look forward to seeing the projects come to fruition."