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Youth work

South Ayrshire Youth Work Activity   

Thriving Communities, Communities Team coordinate Youth Work provision through South Ayrshire's Community Learning & Development Partnership, Learning Community Partnerships and through local planning groups involving young people. Our work is planned in line with the Curriculum for Excellence and underpinned by CLD Regulations (2013).


Youth Groups/Clubs       

Thriving Communities work with young people to plan and deliver youth groups for 8-21year olds across South Ayrshire. We encourage participation in groups tailored to the individual needs, behaviours, and personalities, promoting personal growth and community engagement. We offer a number of Youth Clubs across South Ayrshire localities.  


Support in Schools      

Thriving Communities are a key partner in supporting the Family First model in South Ayrshire and allows the needs of South Ayrshire's children and families to be met using a joined-up, collaborative approach to children's services.    

We work in partnership with all South Ayrshire Secondary Schools to deliver targeted programmes to pupils who are at risk of not reaching a positive destination. We deliver targeted work in response to needs and group interests, this can include Duke of Edinburgh Award, Youth Achievement Award, or wider achievement awards.   


Detached Youth Work      

Thriving Communities staff work across South Ayrshire to engage with young people on the streets. Staff deliver key safety messages to young people, divert them away from anti-social behaviour and encourage them to access local provision that suits their needs and interests focusing on building trust, mutual respect and understanding.     


Diversionary Youth Work     

Thriving Communities provide a youth diversionary programme targeted at young people of secondary school age involved in anti-social behaviour and underage drinking on Friday evenings and during the weekend. The programme has a focus on off-site activities which offer young people new experiences and opportunities to participate in exciting activities, out-with our centre-based provision. Young people have been identified through targeted local youth club provision, street work and discussions with other key partners. This initiative complements our TAYP (Targeted Approach Young People) project.     


Youth Voice     

Within Thriving Communities there are a range of opportunities for young people to have a say and an influence on services that support them.     

It is important that children and young people know how much power and influence they can have and that they know where their voice is going and the outcome.    

Through various surveys/focus groups Thriving Communities have gathered views to update the Youth Voice Structure and produce a draft Youth Participation Strategy detailing how we will engage, consult and inform local young people.   

Below is a list our youth voice groups and how they support young people to be at the centre of decision making.     

  • Support to MSYP's

    In South Ayrshire we have 3 Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYP's) who are democratically elected by local young people and are voted every 2 years. Currently there are 2 for the Ayr Constituency and 1 for Carrick Cumnock.  

    Our MSYP's represent young people and ensure their voice is listened to by local and national decision-makers.

  • South Ayrshire Youth Council 

    Youth Council, in partnership with Education, consists of 32 young people from P7 to 21 years who are elected every 2years. The young people represent all South Ayrshire Secondary Schools, Special Schools, Virtual School, P7 pupils and post 16 school leavers.

    The 2024-2026 membership currently has 11 young people who are care experienced. 

    The Youth Council gather views to identify top issues that matter most to local young people, work towards change and address barriers; be part of key decisions that influence services affecting young people, and feedback and share information to their peers.

  • Local Youth Voice Groups

    Are established within variouslocality areas in South Ayrshire supporting young people to have a say and lead on improvements within their community such as: 

    • Improving youth facilities 
    • Planning youth activity programmes
    • Planning community events; or
    • Fundraising for local youth groups. 
  • South Ayrshire Youth Events Group

    The Events Planning Group work together to plan, organise, lead and deliver annual South Ayrshire wide Youth Events to provide young people with new experiences and to celebrate and recognise the achievements of young people. Youth Events include Bounce Youth Fest, South Ayrshire Youth Awards, South Ayrshire Question Time and Pride. 

  • Say It Out LOUD Award

    The Say It Out LOUD Mental Health and Wellbeing Award is designed for South Ayrshire Primary and Secondary Schools, created by local young people and schools peer assess their progress. The Award is set up to support schools to create Mental Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors to ensure young people are part of key decisions relating to support with their mental health and wellbeing. 

  • Universal Youth Provision

    Young people participating in Thriving Communities youth groups have opportunities to shape youth programmes and participate in various consultations. 

  • Partnership

    The Youth Voice team work closely with Education to support Pupil Voice and other Youth Voice organisations such as Champion Board and Young Carers Forums to support addressing key issues raised.  

Holiday Programmes   

Thriving Communities deliver a range of holiday programmes during Easter, Summer and October school holidays for young people and families with a range of sessions, activities, events and trips on offer. 

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