Have your say! Active Travel Strategy published

The South Ayrshire Active Travel Strategy has just been published, giving the public the opportunity to review and comment on the document before it's adopted by the Council.
The strategy is extremely important, setting out how we will encourage and promote active travel over the next five years and beyond.
Active travel has become crucial in recent years, as we look to tackle the climate crisis. With transport seen as a massive contributor to air pollution; walking, cycling, and wheeling could play a key role in reducing carbon in our atmosphere.
The strategy highlights infrastructure projects which encourage the shift to active travel, such as additional cycle lanes and crossing points, dropped kerbs and rest shelters. The document also notes the importance of changing behaviour and educating people.
As well as education, the strategy identifies five other key objectives which help encourage active travel - connectivity, health, safety, accessibility, and place.
Councillor Ian Cochrane, Environment Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: "This strategy sets out our active travel vision for the next decade, as we look to protect the environment and limit the effects of climate change.
"We want to ensure sustainable habits which increased during the pandemic continue. We have already made good progress towards a cleaner and greener society and this strategy keeps that momentum going.
"Extensive public and stakeholder consultation have already taken place, so this is the last opportunity for people to comment on the strategy. This really will affect everyone, so I would encourage people to view the document and have their say."
To view the South Ayrshire Active Travel Strategy, visit www.south-ayrshire.gov.uk/consultations