Charging schedule
Information in the scheme is available free of charge where it can be downloaded from our website or where it can be sent to you electronically by email.
Some publications, however, may involve a charge. Further information on where a charge may apply can be found within Part B of our FOI Guide to Information. Where this applies a '£' sign will appear under the cost heading in the relevant information class.
In the event that a payment is required for the information, you will be advised of the charge.
Information will not be provided to you until payment has been received.
We reserve the right to impose charges for providing information in paper copy or alternative formats.
South Ayrshire Council is mindful of its obligations under equality and anti-discrimination legislation when setting charges for alternative formats. Charges will reflect the actual costs of reproduction and postage to the authority and will be at the rate detailed below.
South Ayrshire Council does reserve the right to review this rate as part of the annual budget exercise and subsequently seek the Commissioner's approval.
Reproduction costs | |
Black and white copy | 10p per A4 sheet |
Colour copy | 30p per A4 sheet |
Alternative formats | |
Computer disks | £1 per CD-rom / DVD |
Postage | |
Charged at the cost to the Council of sending the information by first class post |
Read the FOI - Information charging schedule for further details.