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Support and guidance

Support and guidance available from external organisations.

To help applicants along the asset transfer journey, there is a wide range of support and guidance available including:

Guidance documents

Council's Policy for the Acquisition and Disposal of Land and Buildings approved at South Ayrshire Council on 29th June 2022 (PDF, 214 KB) 

For further information, guidance and example models on Community Asset Transfer visit the Scot Gov website.

Support and funding organisations

  • The Community Ownership Support Service (COSS) has been funded by the Scottish Government to support community based groups in Scotland take a stake in or ownership of previously publicly owned land or buildings and is an invaluable source of information.
  • Community Channel Scotland introduces you to resources that can help you to build your capacity as group members and as an organisation.
  • Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) has advice on its website for groups setting up a formal organisation, including advice on charitable status.
  • Community Land Scotland supports the growth of community land ownership in Scotland.
  • Scottish Land Fund funded by the Scottish Government and delivered in partnership by the Big Lottery Fund and Highlands and Islands Enterprise, it offers grants of up to £1 million to help communities take ownership of the land and buildings that matter to them, as well as practical support to develop their aspirations into viable projects.
  • Communities considering acquiring historic buildings or assets should contact the Architectural Heritage Fund and the Heritage Lottery Fund.
  • Funding Scotland provides access to up to date, high quality information on funding opportunities to third sector organisations in Scotland and provides a search of over 1,300 funding opportunities.

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