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The Expression of Interest opens the conversation between the applicant and South Ayrshire Council regarding the Council-owned asset your organisation is interested in taking ownership or control of.
In submitting this form, it provides access to support from the CAT team through the provision of information, guidance and signposting to appropriate organisations. It also ensures that where applicable, the applicant organisation is supported throughout the considerable work involved in developing a formal Community Asset Transfer request (Stage 2) as per Part 5 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) 2015 Act to go forward for a final decision by the Council.
This form must be used when the applicant wishes to request a Development Grant for up to a maximum of £12,000 from the Council’s Advancing Community Assets Fund for costs associated with all types of surveys and investigations relating to the asset for the development of a Stage 2 asset transfer proposal.
Please note that an award of a Development grant from the Advancing Community Assets Fund would not commit the Council to a particular outcome nor guarantee approval of any future asset transfer request that is developed and submitted for consideration. Any future asset transfer request would be determined in accordance with the Council’s approved asset transfer process.
This completed Stage 1 will be submitted to the Council’s Community Asset Transfer Advisory Group (CATAG) who will consider the information and you will be advised of next steps. Where the organisation has also requested a grant, the CATAG will make a recommendation to the Director-Place who will then consider and decide whether to authorise the grant request.
Before completing this form, please take time to read the Advancing Community Assets (ACA) Fund applicant guidance and the Scottish Government Guidance for Community Transfer Bodies. For assistance in completing this form or if you have any questions regarding a Community Asset Transfer and development grant, please contact:
Colin Love Community Asset Transfer South Ayrshire Council Email:
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