Ayr seafront consultation
South Ayrshire Council is considering ways to make the most effective and efficient use of its assets at Ayr Esplanade, including St. Germain-En-Laye Gardens and Bandstand, the former Putting Green and the former Crazy Golf Site. Key project objectives are;
- to create a high-quality destination at Ayr Seafront for local residents and tourists to enjoy
- and to respect and celebrate the fantastic beach front / esplanade setting, built heritage, panoramic views and vistas with attractive series of public open spaces for relaxation, play, leisure, family and cultural events.
Public views are sought for the project that could establish better pedestrian connections and purposeful public open space. Please read the Consultation Document (PDF, 6 MB) and consider the following questions when offering your comments;
- Do you agree with proposals to improve St Germain-en-Laye Gardens? Would you suggest other improvements?
- Do you agree with proposals to improve the green spaces occupied by the putting greens? Would you suggest other improvements?
- Do you agree with proposals for a new Seafront building to accommodate a quality cafe-bar and restaurant? Would you suggest other seafront facilities?
- Do you support proposals to generally enhance the Seafront area, including changes to improve pedestrian priority to the streets and the Esplanade? What enhancements would you be supportive of?
Please return any comments via:
Email: glasgow@austinsmithlord.com
Ayr Seafront Public Consultation
Austin Smith Lord
25 Bothwell Street
G2 6NL