Council news
Read the latest news from South Ayrshire Council.
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It's Okay to Ask - New Cost-of-Living campaign launches in South Ayrshire
South Ayrshire Council and the South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership are supporting Child Protection Scotland's new 'It's Okay to Ask' campaign, encouraging any parent or carer who is struggling to look after their children, to ask for help before reaching crisis point. 20 November 2023.

Ayr is open for business! Council to provide a range of support to drive footfall to Ayr town centre during festive season
South Ayrshire Council has confirmed that they are planning a range of additional festive activities and an advertising campaign that will help drive footfall into Ayr town centre and support local businesses in the run up to Christmas. 17 November 2023.

Council appoints Director of Housing, Operations and Development and announces new Depute Chief Executive
South Ayrshire Council has appointed a new Director of Housing, Operations and Development and confirmed its new Depute Chief Executive. 15 November 2023.
Former Station Hotel building - Safety Works Update
As you can see in this photo, the top of the encapsulation has now been fully removed. This will allow the contractor to progress with works inside the building. 10 November 2023.

Remembrance 2023
South Ayrshire is once again embracing the opportunity to honour the heroic contributions of individuals who have served to protect our way of life since the First World War. 8 November 2023.

Former Station Hotel - Safety Works Update
Safety works are progressing at the former Station Hotel building. This is complex work, and the safety of the public and contractors is a priority. 06 November 2023.