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Licensing Board - 18 May 2023

Licensing Board agenda and associated papers for the meeting on 18 May 2023


Councillor Grant (Chair)

Councillor Brennan-Whitefield

Councillor Ferry

Councillor Kilbride

Councillor Pollock

Councillor Scott

Councillor Townson

Notice of meeting

Notice of Meeting - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 164 KB)


1.       Declarations of Interest.


2.       Date of Next Board Meeting - Thursday 15 June 2023 at 10:00 a.m.


3.       Minutes of previous meeting of Thursday 20 April 2023 (copy herewith)Minutes of previous meeting of Thursday 20 April 2023 - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 170 KB)                                                                                  


4.       Report by Licensing Standards Officer.


5.       Personal Licences Revoked - report by Clerk to the Board (copy herewith)Personal Licences Revoked - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 619 KB)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

6.       Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005                                                                                                              

          (a)     Application for Variation of Premises Licence (copy herewith)Application for Variation of Premises Licence (Public) - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 1 MB)                                                                                

          (b)     Applications for Occasional Licences (copy herewith)Applications for Occasional Licences - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 117 KB)                       


7.       Report from Clerk regarding Statement of Licensing Policy (copy herewith)Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 454 KB)                                                       


8.       Any Other Business.


Meeting Papers

Public Meeting Papers - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023 (PDF, 1 MB) Combined File

Additional Agenda Item 7 - Licensing Board - 18 May 2023  (PDF, 553 KB)Additional Item

Meeting recording

The recording of this meeting can be viewed on our Webcasting channel.


Minute of Licensing Board Meeting of 18 May 2023 (PDF, 30 KB)





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