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item 6 IJB Annual Performance Report (Adobe pdf documents) and guidance notes for compiling a report to be submitted to a Panel etc. of South Ayrshire Council 1 Agenda Item No. 6 South Ayrshire Council Report b...
November 2023 - Credit balances (Excel) Yr HP Company Name House Name House Num Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Address 4 Postcode RV (current) L Start Date L End Date...
Agenda Item 5b3 (Adobe pdf documents) Item No: 5b (3) STRATEGIC DELIVERY PARTNERSHIP UPDATE COMMUNITY PLANNING BOARD OF 20TH APRIL 2023 FINANICAL INCLUSION SDP Date of last meeting: 28th Marc...
Scottish Employers receive prestigious Ministry of Defence Award Ayrshire Council had their Silver ERS Award revalidated, demonstrating their long-term commitment to the Defence community.
Scotland's Director General for Economy visits Ayrshire and discovers more about Growth Deal vision Growth Deal update. 11 August 2022.
South Ayrshire set to sparkle this festive season as Little Stars Light up Ayr with our 'Little Stars Light up Ayr' event in Ayr Town Centre on Sunday 20 November, from 12.00noon - 5.00pm. 17 October 2022.
You, your dog and the law people or other animals Dogs which jump up on or race towards you are sometimes simply being over-friendly or exuberant. However, this can alarm people...
Item 10 Golf SA (Adobe pdf documents) Item No. 10 South Ayrshire Council Report by Director of Communities and Transformation to South Ayrshire Council (Special) of 19 August 2024 Subject: Go...
item 3 Action Log and Work Programme (Adobe pdf documents) Item No.3 SERVICE AND PARTNERSHIPS PERFORMANCE PANEL – ACTION LOG No. Date of Issue Actions Assigned to Update Meeting Completed 1. 14 May Regeneration T...
Are you worried that an adult could be at risk of harm? South Ayrshire there are some adults who are more at risk from harm, due to illness, trauma and physical or mental health conditions. This Tuesday 20...