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Prestwick & Troon Leisure Clubs

To guarantee availability, we recommend that all classes are booked online, in advance. This can be done by registering and logging in here.    

Customers can "Pay As You Go" or Join Today!

DayStart TimeEnd TimeClass NameVenueLocationNotes
Monday 13:4514:30Evolve AquaFitPrestwick Swimming PoolPool 
Tuesday13:3014:15Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 
Tuesday 20:0020:45Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 
Wednesday10:0010:45Evolve AquafitPrestwick Swimming PoolPool 
Wednesday10:4511:30Evolve AquafitPrestwick Swimming PoolPool 
Thursday18:1519:00Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 
Thursday19:0019:45Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 
Friday10:3011:15Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 
Friday11:1512:00Evolve AquafitTroon Swimming PoolMain Pool 

These classes are available on Pay As You Go or please click here for more information on our memberships.

Booking Arrangements (including cancellations) can be viewed here.  

All classes are for ages 16+.

View our Class Descriptors for further information: Class Descriptors (Word doc, 589 KB)

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